Friday, 8 September 2017

Know What Happens in Your First Visit to A Fertility Doctor

A gynecologist in Panjim Goa may be able to help patients who are having difficulty becoming pregnant. By seeing an expert fertility doctor, patients can be properly examined, diagnosed, and treated to improve their chances of having a child. The first visit can cause patients to be nervous and insecure, but these feelings can be minimized by choosing a reputable and seasoned gynecologist that has a good track record of helping patients conceive. However, prior to the visit, patients are advised to avoid douching or having sex 24 hours before their appointment, too, as these activities could irritate vaginal tissue and affect the results of a pap test. Here are some of the things that can happen on the first visit to a fertility doctor:

• A general interview – A good gynecologist in Panjim Goa will start the appointment by getting to know the patient’s health history, fertility conditions, and the number of years she has been trying for a baby. This is a good time for patients to discuss their fertility issues with the doctor. The doctor will want to know if the patient is sexually active, too.

• General health check – Gynecologists may take the patient’s blood pressure and weight, and order a urine and blood test.

• Physical exam – The gynecologist in Panjim Goa will conduct a pelvic exam by examining the outside of the vagina for abnormalities. The doctor will examine the inside, too. Certain tools, like stirrups, may be used to keep your legs apart, and a speculum to hold the vagina open. This way, the doctor can easily view the inside of the vagina and cervix. The entire examination should not be painful, but patients should let the doctor know if they feel any pain.

• Pap test – The fertility doctor will conduct a pap test during the exam, too. This test involves removing a small sample of the cells from the cervix to be sent to the laboratory and checked for abnormalities, including cervical cancer.

• Other tests – Gynecologists may test sexually active patients for sexually transmitted diseases, too, like HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea.